Celebrating the first 10 years of the festival, this set contains over 11 hours of audio, a beautiful booklet and a feature length documentary.
20 incredible performances were carefully selected by committee from the deep festival archives to be shared on one DVD as .wav files* (high quality audio). The artists featured on this disc are:
David Grubbs, Lee Ranaldo + Dean Roberts, Martin Tétreault, Oval, CiNdy (Sam Shalabi + Alexandre St-Onge), Tomas Jirku, Michael Dumontier, Tim Hecker, My Kingdom for a Lullaby (M. Grill, C. Kurzmann, B. Roisz + M. Siewert), Taylor Deupree, Jason Kahn, i8u, Aki Onda, 3x3is9 + Bernhard Günter, Scant Intone, crys cole, Steve Bates, Sawako, Fletcher Pratt and Oren Ambarchi.
The second disc contains a feature length documentary created by Canadian filmmaker Caelum Vatnsdal. With extensive video footage culled from our archives alongside interviews with festival directors past and present the film not only gives a great overview of what s+r is all about but also provides a rare opportunity to witness incredible performances and events that have occurred at the festival over it’s first 10 years. Featuring several of the artists listed above as well as Peter Brotzmann, Otomo Yoshihide, Christian Bök, Ken Gregory, Steve Heimbecker, Kaffe Matthews, Alexis O’Hara, Peter Cusack, Mitchell Akiyama, Not Half and many more.
This set serves as an incredible archive of audio art, a document of an important Canadian sound festival, and a rich catalog of innovative work spanning mediums and idioms.

$10 + shipping & handling ($10 – National + International)
Order now through PayPal.
send + receive will also accept orders by cash, money order or cheque (in Canadian currency) by mail to:
43-221 McDermot Ave.
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 0S2
*note .wav files will not play on a cd player but will open easily on your computer.