v.20 – 2018


v20 Artwork: Dee Barsy

Design & Layout: Paul Phillips 

Statement from the Director

When I was compiling the program notes for this year’s twentieth edition, a recurring theme of portraits kept striking me. The fact is, this festival is all about artists: the artists that we invite to share their work here in Winnipeg, and the exciting community of local artists that exists and continues to grow here. One of the most rewarding parts of running send + receive is creating a platform for artists to do their thing, to have the support and context to express their unique selves and to feel that their work is valued. Bringing renowned and infamous artists to Winnipeg is also a thrill, as it gives a rare chance for the local community to witness these outstanding people in person, getting the opportunity to meet and speak to them, igniting ideas and inspiration, which in turn nourishes everyone. But another aspect I really love is creating a platform for artists who may not be known, who may be obscure or emerging, but whose work is singular and special. send + receive gives these artists the opportunity to share what they do with a new audience, to push out of familiar territory, to meet other artists and to connect.

It’s quite incredible to look over the list of extraordinary artists that have been a part of send + receive over the past twenty years. Innumerable unique collaborations and connections have been made here in Winnipeg. So many incredible people have been involved behind the scenes to make this crazy venture possible, and without these passionate and dedicated people we would not be where we are today.

This is my eleventh year as Director of send + receive and I feel extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with so many extraordinary people here in Winnipeg and with our innumerable guests from across the country and abroad. This year’s twentieth edition is simply a continuation of what we always do: celebrating exceptional, unique artistic voices with the support of a wonderful team and a fantastic community.

Thank you, and here’s to twenty more!

crys cole, Director

Galleries for v20